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Active tourism in Azerbaijan - water entertainment, horseback riding and hunting

Active tourism in Azerbaijan - water entertainment, horseback riding and hunting Tourism

The most popular types of active recreation on land, water and in the air are widely represented in Azerbaijan: horseback riding, rafting, diving, kite surfing, hang-gliding and many others. You can only choose the option of active rest at your own discretion.


Fun on the water


The country, washed by the Caspian, where the swimming season begins in May and lasts until the end of September, is simply created for enjoying all kinds of marine recreation. Diving, kite surfing, scootering - these and other types of active recreation on the water have become widespread in Azerbaijan. And a large number of full-flowing rivers and small rivers creates excellent conditions for lovers of such entertainments as rafting, kayaking or fishing.


And it's not necessary to be an avid athlete to get a lot of positive emotions from active water recreation - there will be enough skills to swim, minimal physical preparation and the desire to learn something new.




Rafting is that amazing kind of active recreation that enables you to experience in a short time an incredible range of emotions, passing from serene tranquility on level water to the colossal adrenaline rush from an uncompromising struggle with the water current.


In the regions of Azerbaijan, a large number of mountain rivers with a rapid current, suitable for rafting. Take advantage of one of the tours that many agencies offer, for example Improtex Travel.




One of the most exciting types of outdoor activities is diving, especially if diving takes place in the Caspian Sea, rich in beautiful underwater flora and fauna.


At the first dive, tourists are offered a guided tour under the guidance of an experienced instructor. For long and serious dives, experience and training will be required. For details, contact the FAIREX Association (clubs Delfin, Gilavar).


Jet Ski


A water motorcycle, an aquabike or a jet ski is one of the most popular types of water entertainment in summer in Azerbaijan. In a country with a long coastline and a lot of rivers and lakes, on this universal water transport can ride like fans of quiet water walks, and thirsty adrenaline extremals.


In summer, on many beaches in Azerbaijan - on Absheron or in Nabran, you can rent a jet ski. Do not miss this great opportunity to enjoy a refreshing and exciting adventure that will bring you many new experiences.


For details, contact the travel agencies such as Victory Tour and others.




One of the most fascinating types of water activity is kitesurfing or. A kiteboarder harnesses the power of the wind with a large controllable power kite to be propelled across the water.


Azerbaijan has ideal conditions for the development of kitesurfing. For example, fans of this type of activity can practice on the Caspian coast near the village of Shuraabad in the Khizi region on the Blue Planet beach. There operates a kite surfing school and a kite shop.


Kitesurfing also specializes in the Kite.az club, where the White Wind kitesurfing school operates. Members of the club recommend a lagoon for skating on the coast of Yeni Yashma village, as well as the seashore after the settlement of Dubandi and the coast of the Sea Breeze hotel in the village of Nardaran.


Concerning the organization of tours, contact Kite.az, Gilavar club, Blue Planet.


SUP surfing


If kitesurfing seems too dynamic, and you prefer a more relaxed pace or just want to take a break from kitesurfing, then try SUP surfing. In this kind of surfing, you will move on the water by rowing with a paddle, standing on the board and get no less pleasure.


SUP is great to practice on windless days, it provides a good workout in the form of improved balance and general health. SUP surfing is fun and simple, it's no accident that this water type of exercise is one of the most popular in the world.


Excellent conditions for SUP surfing in Azerbaijan you will find in the village of Shuraabad in the Khizi region. For help in organizing the tour, you can contact the Blue Planet club.




The inexhaustible natural resources of Azerbaijan, including the bioresources of the Caspian Sea, numerous rivers, lakes and reservoirs allow fishing almost at any time of the year.


Among the popular fishing places are Pirallahi Island in the Caspian Sea, the sea area in Neftchala, Lankaran, Siyazan, Khachmaz (Nabran), the resources of the Kura River, the reservoirs in Mingachevir and the Shamkir Reservoir, private farms in the city of Shamakhi (Sakit Gol), etc.


We can also mention the area of the Khal-Khal waterfall in Oghuz. There is a family recreation center "Trout", on the territory of which several artificial reservoirs with fish have been created, and all conditions for fishing have been created.


And in Mingachevir, in addition to fishing on a bridge in the city center, you can organize private fishing, for example, at the Riverside Hotel, located on the banks of the Kura River.


Horse tourism


Breeding horses, a truly royal hobby, is available to a few, but to try their hand at equestrian sport or just go horseback riding for pleasure in Azerbaijan can afford almost everyone. All kinds of equestrian sport and equestrian clubs in the country are under the jurisdiction of the Equestrian Federation (ARAF), which organizes most competitions.


Gunay Equestrian Invest


Equestrian Club Gunay Equestrian Invest has a large area for practicing professional and amateur equestrian sport, horseback riding and in the carriage, as well as on the arena. The instructors of the club will help you learn how to manage a horse, get a confident and beautiful landing in the saddle.


The club has Karabakh, Arab, Dilboz, Akhalta, English horses. Among them there are training horses, and sports, and true trotters.


At present, this club is the center of development of equestrian sport (competition) in Azerbaijan.


Elite Horse and Polo Club


The club provides all opportunities for horse riding for beginners and professionals alike. Those who wish can purchase everything necessary for equestrian sport in a specialized store at the club.


Equestrian Club also offers services for the maintenance, training of horses, their transportation on the territory of the country and abroad, services for the formulation of veterinary and customs documents from the side of brokers when crossing the country's borders by horses.


For young visitors, the Pony Club operates, where they are taught riding from early age.


Sheki Republican Center for Equestrian Tourism


The Republican Center of Equestrian Tourism under the Ministry of Tourism and Culture of Azerbaijan is located in one of the most picturesque corners of the Sheki district in the village of Dashuz. The center contains and breeds several breeds of horses - Arabian horses, English racehorses, German "Trakenen", Alkhankatin (Turkmen), and others.


In the Center twice a year - in December and May competitions are held on the Azerbaijani national game "Chovgan" (the oldest analogue of the European polo) for which teams from 16 regions of the country come. In addition, there are demonstration performances on other equestrian games - "Sur-papag" (the goal is to throw the cap in the basket), "Papag oyunu" (the goal is to break the hat from the opponent), fighting on horses (the goal is to drop the opponent from the horse).


Tourists are given the opportunity not only to watch the games, but also to participate in them. Before that, they can be instructed by an experienced horse riding coach or simply ride a horse.




The rich and fertile land of Azerbaijan generously shares its gifts with the man, including hunting game. Wild animals and birds represented in the fauna of the republic, including endemics (the Caucasian tour) can be objects for hunting.


It should be noted that hunting on the territory of the country is allowed only during the hunting season, which is opened by the decision of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan and in strictly established places, as well as in hunting farms in the regions of the country. Depending on the seasons, hunting in the Caucasus (Dagestan) Tur, wild boar, raccoon, fox, jackal, nutria, waterfowl, birds, etc. is common in Azerbaijan. The list of species can vary from year to year.


Popular hunting regions in Azerbaijan: Shamakhi, Sheki, Oguz, Gakh, Imishli, Guba, Ismayilli and other regions of the republic.


Note: for the organization of hunting in Azerbaijan, a license is required from the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources (www.eco.gov.az).


Travel agencies that have contracts with the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources can help tourists in obtaining a license. On the organization of tours you can contact the travel agency Golden Rock Travel, Victory Tour, etc.

by: Emil Eyyubov

source: AZERTAC

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