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Iran: Exports to Russia up 36 percent in 2018

Iran: Exports to Russia up 36 percent in 2018 Investment

As reported by Eghtesadonline this Sunday, Iran exported US$533 million worth of commodities to Russia in 2018. This is a growth of 36 percent in Iran's exports to the northern neighbour, compared to the year before.

Iran's exports mainly included pistachio, raisins, dates, apples, cucumbers, tomatoes, fish, shrimp, milk, cheese, tea, kiwi fruit and cabbage, according to Farhad Parand, Iran's commercial attache in Russia. The trade between Iran and Russia stood at 1.74 billion dollars in 2018, registering a 2-percent growth from 2017, Parand told china.org.cn.

source: Fresh Plaza

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