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Population growth in other countries to provide demand for Kazakh grain

Population growth in other countries to provide demand for Kazakh grain Agriculture

The intensive population growth in China, India and North Africa will increase the demand for Kazakh grain in the future, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Astyk Trans JSC Oleg Rogachev said, Interfax-Kazakhstan reported.

At the moment, the countries of Central Asia, in particular Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, as well as Iran and Azerbaijan still remain the main importers of Kazakh grain. So, this year the bulk of grain exports will fall on these countries.


According to the forecasts of the Ministry of Agriculture of Kazakhstan, this year’s crop export potential is estimated at 9 million tons; in particular, the potential of exporting the crop in the form of grain is estimated at 6 million tons.

The ministry expects that under favorable weather conditions, this year, harvest will be completed in the first decade of October.

source: Trend

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