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EU supports sustainable agriculture in Turkmenistan

EU supports sustainable agriculture in Turkmenistan Agriculture

IIKSS - A presentation of the third phase of the international project “Support for further sustainable Agriculture and Rural development in Turkmenistan”, implemented with the European Union assistance, was recently held in Ashgabat. The event was organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Industry of Turkmenistan with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, Turkmenistan: the Golden Age online newspaper reported.
Lubomir Frebort, the Head of the European Union Liaison Office in Turkmenistan, and Project Manager Arthur Russell presented the key aspects of the four-year project. The project events, including the study of international practices of agricultural production, are aimed at enhancing the competitiveness of the Turkmen agricultural sector.
 The presentation addressed the issues of primary production and processing, the analysis of market needs, the development of supporting services and service providers.
The priority areas of cooperation, including crop production, cattle breeding, processing of products, enhance of competitiveness, import substitution, water supply and irrigation, exchange of experience in the field of marketing, were specified during the meeting. Those speaking during the meeting noted that Turkmenistan could export organic food products manufactured in the country.
During the presentation, representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of Turkmenistan and the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs analyzed the progress of agricultural reforms, based on scientifically sound methods of management of land and water resources and introduction of innovative technologies.
Source: Times Of Central Asia


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