IIKSS Search

Khazaria: A Forgotten Empire History

With the break-up of the Soviet Union and the troubles prevalent in the Balkans there has been much renewed interest in the early history of Eastern Europe. Troubles have fuelled nationalist tendencies in the region and there has been much

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Caspian tiger Ecosystem

  The Caspian tiger (Panthera tigris virgata), also known as the Hyrcanian tiger, the Mazandaran tiger, the Persian tiger and the Turan tiger, is an extinct tiger subspecies that had been recorded in the wild until the early 1970s, and formerly

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No Way Out Ecosystem

No Way Out The fate of the Caspian seal may have been decided five million years ago. The smallest earless seal on Earth, Pusa caspica, is the only mammal in the Caspian Sea. It is atop the aquatic food chain in this

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Traces of extinction Ecosystem

Traces of extinction Tigers used to occur across Asia as far west as Turkey. Isolated populations of tigers developed into eight different subspecies. Three generations ago, the tiger ranged from the Caucasus and Turkey through the southern Caspian region

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IIKSS Search

Traces of extinction Ecosystem

Traces of extinction Tigers used to occur across Asia as far west as Turkey. Isolated populations of tigers developed into eight different subspecies. Three generations ago, the tiger ranged from the Caucasus and Turkey through the southern Caspian region

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No Way Out Ecosystem

No Way Out The fate of the Caspian seal may have been decided five million years ago. The smallest earless seal on Earth, Pusa caspica, is the only mammal in the Caspian Sea. It is atop the aquatic food chain in this

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Caspian tiger Ecosystem

  The Caspian tiger (Panthera tigris virgata), also known as the Hyrcanian tiger, the Mazandaran tiger, the Persian tiger and the Turan tiger, is an extinct tiger subspecies that had been recorded in the wild until the early 1970s, and formerly

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Khazaria: A Forgotten Empire History

With the break-up of the Soviet Union and the troubles prevalent in the Balkans there has been much renewed interest in the early history of Eastern Europe. Troubles have fuelled nationalist tendencies in the region and there has been much

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