IIKSS Search

Legal Status of Caspian Sea Legal Issues

 Legal Status of Caspian Sea Introduction The Caspian Sea is the biggest enclosed body of water on Earth, having an even larger area than that of the American Great Lakes or that of Lake Victoria in East Africa. The length of the

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Fishing for vital company knowledge Fishing

Fishing for vital company knowledge   Large building projects are delayed by all sorts of issues — money, employees who lack the right skills, public sentiment. But sometimes it is fish spawn, or great-crested newts. The deliverer of such bad news might

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Turkmenistan-EU joint project on energy efficiency Energy

Turkmenistan-EU joint project on energy efficiency Turkmenistan and the European Union have launched a joint project on the implementation of strategies for sustainable development in Turkmenistan to help the country in the rational use of natural resources and energy, newspaper

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IDEA holds next environmental campaign Environment

IDEA Public Union, which is aimed at promoting public awareness of environmental issues, organized another beneficial campaign in the country. This time the public union focused on cleaning the largest river in Transcaucasia -- the Kura, which is of great importance

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IDEA holds next environmental campaign Environment

IDEA holds next environmental campaign   IDEA Public Union, which is aimed at promoting public awareness of environmental issues, organized another beneficial campaign in the country. This time the public union focused on cleaning the largest river in Transcaucasia -- the Kura,

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Pakistan, Turkmenistan interested in early implementation of TAPI Energy

Pakistan is interested in intensifying cooperation with Turkmenistan and early completion of Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline project. Pakistani President Mamnoon Hussain made a statement at a meeting with his Turkmen counterpart Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Hussein arrived to Dushanbe to participate in the forum

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IIKSS Search

Pakistan, Turkmenistan interested in early implementation of TAPI Energy

Pakistan is interested in intensifying cooperation with Turkmenistan and early completion of Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline project. Pakistani President Mamnoon Hussain made a statement at a meeting with his Turkmen counterpart Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Hussein arrived to Dushanbe to participate in the forum

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IDEA holds next environmental campaign Environment

IDEA holds next environmental campaign   IDEA Public Union, which is aimed at promoting public awareness of environmental issues, organized another beneficial campaign in the country. This time the public union focused on cleaning the largest river in Transcaucasia -- the Kura,

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IDEA holds next environmental campaign Environment

IDEA Public Union, which is aimed at promoting public awareness of environmental issues, organized another beneficial campaign in the country. This time the public union focused on cleaning the largest river in Transcaucasia -- the Kura, which is of great importance

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Turkmenistan-EU joint project on energy efficiency Energy

Turkmenistan-EU joint project on energy efficiency Turkmenistan and the European Union have launched a joint project on the implementation of strategies for sustainable development in Turkmenistan to help the country in the rational use of natural resources and energy, newspaper

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Fishing for vital company knowledge Fishing

Fishing for vital company knowledge   Large building projects are delayed by all sorts of issues — money, employees who lack the right skills, public sentiment. But sometimes it is fish spawn, or great-crested newts. The deliverer of such bad news might

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Legal Status of Caspian Sea Legal Issues

 Legal Status of Caspian Sea Introduction The Caspian Sea is the biggest enclosed body of water on Earth, having an even larger area than that of the American Great Lakes or that of Lake Victoria in East Africa. The length of the

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